Legal Status
Botswana Lands Boards Local Authorities and Health Workers Union (BLLAHWU), formerly Botswana Unified Local Government Service Association (BULGSA) is a duly registered Trade Union pursuant to Trade Unions and Employers Organisations Act and duly recognized by the employer being Directorate of Public Service Management on behalf of the Government through a collective agreement in the form of recognition agreement. The Union was established in 1972 as a progressive Union and the culture prevails continuously. BLLAHWU as a growing Union currently has +-13 000 members, with thirty five (35) branches country wide, six (6) Regions, the Head office in Gaborone, Commerce Park and Regional offices in Francistown, Palapye, Kanye, Gaborone, Jwaneng and Ghanzi.
The Union BLLAHWU exists fundamentally to protect, advance and deepen workers’ rights and bargain for improvements of workers conditions of service and welfare. Further to strive for social justice.
The Unions bank with First National Botswana, its Attorneys are Moahi Attorneys and the Auditors are Duncan Littlefield Auditors.
BLLAHWU is affiliated to Botswana Federation of Public Sector Union, Public Service International(BOFEPUSU), and AMALGUN and enjoys bi lateral relations with a number of Unions in Africa.
BLLAHWU cherish and respect relations with its stakeholders and partnership and believes in serving its members and partners with sheer excellence.
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