In House Loan Scheme
1. This is an in house loan scheme established by BLLAHWU as per the following terms:
- Salary Advance with a minimum amount of P100.00 and a maximum amount of P5000.00 payable from 1 to 3 months.
- Short Term Loans with a minimum amount of P500.00 and a maximum amount of P10 000.00, payable from 6 to 12 months
Scheme Loan
2. We also have a scheme loan with one of the leading banks in the country. The terms are as follows:
- Personal Loans
Minimum amount of P12 000.00 and maximum of P500 000.00 payable between 12 to 72 months.
- Mortgage Loans
Minimum loan amount of P75 000.00 and a maximum of P 5 000 000.00, payable between 5 to 25 years.
- Auto / Car Loans
Minimum loan amount of P40 000.00 and a maximum of P 850 000.00, payable between 1 to 72 months.
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